Wednesday, September 8, 2010

lighthouse retreat in photos

I forgot to mention yesterday that we also didn't realize that we had scheduled the
 retreat to end the day before midterms began. So this 
is what these students were doing instead of studying.

The retreat campsite is situated on the top of beautiful green hill
with a view of the mountains and lake. We spent lots of time
outdoors enjoying the natural beauty.

The theme of the retreat was the Lord's Prayer. Talks and small groups examined the
meaning and application of key phrases such as:
 "hallowed be Thy Name"
 "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done"
 "give us this day our daily bread"
"Forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us"
(although here, they say "sins" instead of "trespasses")

Every good speaker needs a good prop

The boys cooked dinner for the girls AND set the table artfully, 
note the tasteful banana centerpiece....

There was also time set aside for praise and worship music, game playing, private
and collective prayer, attendance at Mass in Rotorua (where our youth led music),
plenty of eating, bonding and good fellowship.