Tuesday, July 12, 2011

pyrrhic victory

What the Lighthouse males lacked in creativity, innovation and artistic finesse
 they made up for in...black paint. 
and graffiti. 
 or did they? 

Over the semester break, we'll have our work cut out for us in returning the wall to a condition of pristine white-ness. Richard told me that the younger Tahu students were enjoying watching the unfolding drama of the wall-mural-war and I'm sure they will be disappointed to have the blank wall back as well. But who knows what fun pranks and hijinks await us next term!

In the meantime, I've turned my creative energies in the more peaceful direction of making a cast of saints to complement the crowd of Biblical figures I made last year.

I thought (before coming to NZ) that I might do a little ministry with these dolls. I imagined organizing an occasional children's Holy Hour  or doing something with them for mothers & preschoolers.

For now, my hands are quite full and that dream will probably wait for a bit, but Maria and Bernadette have really enjoyed watching the little dolls act out Scriptural and hagiographical catechesis at the dinner table - as have some of our dinner guests. 

Aside from frequently burnt fingertips from the glue gun, I've had awesome fun making them. I'm more refreshed by a little project like this than by any other kind of "relaxing". Sadly it's been something I have not engaged in much since being in NZ - for many reasons - but am determined to get back in to. And as I write, the wheels are turning, and I'm thinking of Christine coming (insert dramatic talent and creativity in abundance), plus the girls' group (add lots of creativity, more dramatic talent and love of artsy projects), plus this idea about a children's Holy Hour - maybe we'll make our own puppets or costumes and act out something of catechetical value for some little ones as a part of girls' group next term. I can't see the "BOYS RULE-  YOU LOSE crowd" doing much to thwart that, but it could be a lot of fun nonetheless! 
my favorite: 
the simple generic virginal martyr

maria's favorite:
the saintly princess/noblewoman
(proof that the apple can fall QUITE far from the tree!)